Central Elementary Blood Drive The LifeShare Bus will be at Central on December 13, 2022, 11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Forms were sent home with students yesterday, and should be returned to their homeroom teachers by Friday, December 2nd, if you are planning to participate. The homeroom with the highest participation will be rewarded with a pizza party. Donors are encouraged to schedule appointments online: https://donor.lifeshare.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/246475 Please consider giving the gift of life, be a blood donor!
about 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Central Elementary Blood Drive Information
The Magnolia School District is experiencing internet connection issues. This is also affecting our phone service. Currently the phone system is down at all campuses. We are working on the problem and apologize for any inconvenience. Updates will be sent out as we learn more about the problem.
about 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week November 12-20 Click Here For More Information: https://hhweek.org/
about 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week
CADC Commodities Distribution Click Here for more information: https://5il.co/1k8ni
about 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Don't forget Picture Day tomorrow!!!
about 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
School  Picture Reminder
Picture Day is Coming!! Thursday, October 27, 2022 is Central Picture Day. Picture envelopes were sent home with students last week. You must either return the envelope with the correct change with your student on picture day, or you can order pictures online at mylifetouch.com, using Picture ID: EVTXFTFZ4. Money will not be taken in the office for pictures.
about 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Central Picture Day Information
about 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Principal Appreciation Month
Each month at Central Elementary School, teachers choose a "Student of the Month" from their homeroom. They each receive a SAU Cinch Bag with incentives. The Central Students of the Month for October are: Third grade – Brayden Gooden, Yaira Arismendi-Carranza, Katilyn Strickland, Victoria Brown, Jayda Davis, Charlotte Baker, Claire Roan, Adrian Pierre and Aniya Anderson. Fourth grade – Scarlett Elliott, Mackenzie Brown, Tate Spurling, Jenny Cornett, Carter Pettit, Avery Parker, Neely Stephens, Lila Easter and Nayoko Gulley. Fifth grade – Linley Leak, Charlee Crowell, Laura Lu, Dredan Curry, MaKaylee Berry, James Fuller, Marlee Davis, Ella Harden and Taelyn Lemons. Fifth grade – Linley Leak, Charlee Crowell, Laura Lu, Dredan Curry, MaKaylee Berry, James Fuller, Marlee Davis, Ella Harden and Taelyn Lemons. Congratulations for being selected October Students of the Month!!!
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
4th Grade October Students of the Month
October 4th Grade Students of the Month
5th Grade October Students of the Month
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, Oct. 10th. Teachers will be participating in professional development.
over 2 years ago, John Ward
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon
District Wide Food Drive, October 10 - 14, 2023 PIE is sponsoring a District Wide Food Drive that will benefit all campus pantries and backpack programs, October 10 - 14!!! If you can donate, please choose the item from your child's grade: 3rd Grade - Oatmeal (Individual Packages) 4th Grade - Peanut Butter or Jelly 5th Grade - Meals in a Can (Chef Boyardee, Stew, Chili, etc.)
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
October Breakfast and Lunch Menus!!
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
October Breakfast Menu
October Lunch Menus
Wear Red Friday!! Friday is MHS Homecoming and RED OUT Friday! Wear Your Favorite Panther Red!
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Red Out Friday
Progress Reports will be sent home with students this afternoon!!!!
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Progress Reports Go Home Today
Friday Night will be the first home Panther football game of the season. As a reminder: Central students cannot be dropped off at the gate, they must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. They will not be allowed to play in the grassy areas in the front of the stadium or in the lobby.
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Football Note to Parents
STUDENT DROP-OFF REMINDER!! For safety reasons, students cannot be dropped off at Central before 7:30. Gates and doors are unlocked at 7:30, and duty teachers are available to monitor students. We appreciate all your help in keeping our students safe!!
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Student Drop Off Reminder
over 2 years ago, Scott Nipper
Picture and list of new Magnolia School District teachers for 2023
LET’S TALK DROP-OFF AND PICK- UP PROCEDURES! Doors and gates will open at 7:30. For the safety of your child, please do not drop them off early. Central has two drop-off and pick-up sites, the Parent Lane and Academy Street. The procedure is the same for both of these sites. They are pull through only, no parking, and no double lines. Pull over to the curb, and have your child ready to exit (on the curb side) once you come to a complete stop. To keep the lines flowing smoothly, we ask that you pull up as far as possible in order for students to exit from multiple vehicles at one time. The Parent Lane is located at the front of the school and is ONE WAY, entering from the end closest to Magnolia Middle School. Academy Street is located on the side of the school, and is also ONE WAY during school hours. You enter from the front of the school on East North Street. The Bus Lane is located at the back of the school, and students cannot be dropped off or picked up in this area. We know this is a lot of information, but faculty and staff will be available to help.
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information
It is time for Back to School Information! Bells Will Be Ringing Monday Morning! Please make every effort to have your child to school on time, and for them to remain in school for the entire school day if possible. Our morning bells are: 1st Bell 7:55 Tardy Bell 8:05 There are four bells in the afternoon: 1st Bell - 3:00 3rd Grade Car Riders , 1st Bell Buses 2nd Bell - 3:09 4th Grade Car Riders, ALL Walkers, 2nd Bell Buses 3rd Bell - 3:17 5th Grade Car Riders, 3rd Bell Buses 4th Bell - 3:25 4th Bell Buses
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Bell Schedule
Reaghan Wylie Joins Central Staff!! We are excited to announce the hiring of Reaghan Wylie, to the paraprofessional staff. Welcome to the Central family, Reaghan.
over 2 years ago, Central Elementary School
Picture of Reaghan Wylie